FINITE podcast/online discussion guest speaker T&Cs
Before we dive into the admin, logistics & speaker T&Cs & for the FINITE podcast/online discussion, we’d like to say a huge thank you for sharing your time & insights with us!
FINITE is a free community. So it’s through you, our guest speakers, sharing your expertise & knowledge that we’re able to produce fun & exciting content for our members & keep the B2B tech marketing community growing!
FINITE online discussion:
- Our online discussions are recorded live through the Hopin software
- All speakers (panellist or presenter) will have their voice & video settings enabled
- Presenters of ‘case studies’ will be able to share their screen as they are presenting
- If you are presenting a ‘case study’ we’re happy for you to use your own branding/format on slides & no requirements on the number of slides – we’re happy for you to decide on this depending on your presentation style
- After the online discussion, the recording is uploaded to Vimeo & will be available to view for free on demand for all FINITE members
- We’re keen to get the word out about the community & familiarise our members with you, so we’ll tag your LinkedIn profile & your company profile in our LinkedIn & Twitter posts. If you would rather not, that’s ok – just let Sasha know ([email protected])
- To promote the FINITE community, we are also likely to use the recording for:
- Written quotes from the online discussion for social media & posts on the, 93digital, 93x websites
- Video snippets for social media & posts on the, 93digital, 93x websites
- Images & screenshots for social media & posts on the, 93digital, 93x websites
FINITE podcast:
- The FINITE Podcast is recorded through the SquadCast software, with the audio recording published & shared.
- The recording will be publicly available on the website, Apple Podcasts, Spotify & Buzzsprout
- The full podcast transcription will be available on the & our sponsors, 93x website
- We will take your LinkedIn photo to use on a feature image that will appear on our social media & website – if you would rather not, or have a specific photo you would like us to use, that’s no problem – just let Sasha know ([email protected])
- We’re keen to get the word out about the community & familiarise our members with you, so we’ll tag your LinkedIn profile & your company profile in our LinkedIn & Twitter posts. If you would rather not, that’s ok – just let Sasha know ([email protected])
- To promote the FINITE community, we are also likely to use snippets of the recording for:
- Written quotes for social media & posts on the, 93digital, 93x websites
- Voice snippets for for social media & posts on the, 93digital, 93x websites
If you have any questions regarding the above, the FINITE community or anything else, please get in touch with our Community Manager, Sasha Suzdaleva: [email protected]