Senior Director of Digital Marketing and Marketing Operations at AvidXchange

Erin Naismith

Erin Naismith is AvidXchange’s Senior Director of Digital and Marketing Operations. Taking on the role in
2019, Erin is responsible for digital demand and direct sales pipeline generation across multiple channels
including integrated digital advertising, website development, email marketing and SEO. Under her
leadership, Erin’s team has increased the marketing-generated inbound sales pipeline by over 25%
within the last four years.

Working for two FinTech companies over the course of her career, Erin’s time at AvidXchange was
preceded by her experience at CompuCom, where she acted as Digital Marketing Director—managing
digital marketing strategy and campaign execution. Prior to working in FinTech, Erin’s experience lived
mostly on the agency side, most recently working at Mower and leading the digital marketing, media
planning and buying functions.

In her spare time, Erin enjoys reading, exercising, cooking and spending time with family, including her
eight-year-old son.