We’re super excited to officially announce the next FINITE online discussion topic: ABM for B2B tech marketers! We noticed ABM popping up frequently on the FINITE Slack group, and so decided to make ABM the centre of the discussion this time around. 

Date and time: 19th of November, 15.00-15.50 GMT

The enterprise B2B tech buyer journey has been a great fit for an ABM approach – high value deal sizes, niche and focused products/solutions and complex decision making units.

But ABM is an evolving discipline. There are still challenges to clear, such as determining the best approach to ABM, how to scale ABM up, and how to create alignment with sales when running ABM campaigns.

In this panel discussion we’re looking to address the different stages of ABM, alongside practical examples, following which we will open the floor to questions from our members. 

The agenda:

15.00 Introduction from Alex Price Founder FINITE   

15.05 Panel discussion: ABM for B2B tech marketers 

  • Discuss why ABM is a particularly good fit for B2B tech marketers
  • Assess different types of ABM (One-to-one, One-to-few, One-to-many)
  • Successful strategies to structure your ABM campaign 
  • A look at ways to identify accounts and decision makers 
  • Aligning sales and marketing
  • Challenges when it comes to ABM (and their solutions!)
  • Measuring the success of you ABM strategy 

Ryan Almond
Global Account-Based Marketing Director 
Baker Hughes

Urska Blagojevic
Marketing Director 

Christa Norton
Head of Industry and ABM

Alex Price

15.40 Floor open to questions

15.50 End of discussion

As always, discussion is free for FINITE members (details to register are shared on slack & via email).

If you’re not a member, what are you waiting for? Apply here.