July 22, 2024

Should B2B marketers fear cookie deprecation? With Nohar Zmora, VP Brand and Strategic Marketing at Kaltura

In this episode of the FINITE Podcast, we dive into a topic that’s on everyone’s mind: Google’s upcoming ‘cookie depreciation’ happening this January. With the imminent loss of access to third-party Google data, many B2B tech marketers are understandably concerned about the impact on their strategies. Join us as we explore this update in depth,…

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July 8, 2024

How to leverage customer data with Jim Turner, SVP of Customer Experience at Exclaimer

In this episode of the FINITE Podcast, learn about the power of customer data. We discuss when to start collecting it, who should own it, and how to use customer data to fuel a B2B growth strategy. Our guest is Jim Turner, SVP of Customer Experience at Exclaimer. He shares his impressive insights and experiences in growing…

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July 2, 2024

New Research: The FINITE community is gearing up for post-summer crunch time

As the summer season kicks off, the B2B tech marketing community is ready to embrace their high lead gen targets after a slow start to 2024. With 85% of FINITE members setting more ambitious lead-gen goals in 2024, and the majority seeing low results from their channels so far, we need to connect, share, learn,…

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June 17, 2024

Reinventing Marketing with Bruno Bertini, CMO at 8×8

Bruno Bertini, CMO at 8×8, shares insights into the marketing reinvention currently happening at 8×8.  Learn about the impact of culture in a marketing team, ways to strengthen marketing’s influence within organisations, and approaches to branding complex tech products.  With 8×8’s established history of innovation, this episode offers a fascinating insider’s view on their latest transformations….

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May 28, 2024

Podcast: A guide to creativity in B2B marketing with Jamie Buxton, Global Senior Director of Marketing at WEX

We all know creativity doesn’t come in a box. In fact, it famously comes outside the box! Creativity needs to be fostered, cultivated and encouraged within organisations if they want their brand to relate to audiences and stand out. On this episode of the FINITE Podcast you’ll hear from an incredible marketing leader, Jamie Buxton, Global…

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May 6, 2024

Podcast: Staying focused on B2B marketing objectives, with Kathryn Thomas, EMEA Marketing Director at Box

We’ve all been there. A ping on Slack from sales, or an email from the board with their new ideas. How much do these opportunities, or distractions, keep your marketing team and your business from focusing on north star goals?  Maintaining a strong focus on objectives can be an uphill battle in B2B tech. But Kathryn…

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April 29, 2024

Podcast: B2B Influencer ≠ Thought Leader with James Baldwin, Head of Influence, Asia at Ogilvy

B2B influencer marketing means more than sponsored posts from linkedIn thought leaders.  On this FINITE Podcast episode Jodi spoke to James Baldwin, Head of Influence, Asia at Ogilvy, to hear how he has uncovered the true power of influencer marketing.  Learn how the creator economy is growing and developing to bridge the gap between B2B brands and digital…

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March 25, 2024

Podcast: All roads lead to product marketing, with Priya Gill, VP Product Marketing, Web Strategy & Global Experience at SurveyMonkey

Priya Gill is the queen of product marketing. Kicking off her career at HP as a global product marketing manager, Priya has risen through the ranks of tech at Box, and now Surveymonkey. She is now VP Product Marketing, Web Strategy & Global Experience.  With a job title so expansive, this episode dives into the fundamentals of…

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March 21, 2024

Key Takeaways from our FINITE Member Hangout on ‘Cutting Through the Noise’

When you gather ten B2B marketers on a single call, magic unfolds. Specifically, B2B tech marketing magic. This month, our focus was on ‘cutting through the noise’—a daunting task in a market oversaturated and driven by growth-led venture capital. Marketers are in a fierce competition for the limelight, vying for the top advertising spots. Yet,…

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March 7, 2024

No demand without brand: A conversation with Exclaimer CMO Carol Howley

FINITE sat down with esteemed tech CMO, Carol Howley, to discuss the changing B2B climate and the role of brand to defend against the collapse of traditional B2B funnels. Read the interview to learn: How significant is the role of brand activation in the current market climate, especially as more buyers conduct their own research…

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