August 20, 2020

August FINITE Forum

B2B marketing event

Alongside our online monthly discussions with fantastic guest speakers, the FINITE Podcast, Slack & FINITE Times, once a month we also host an informal FINITE Forum catch-up call for members. This is a chance for FINITE members to talk through some of their challenges & thoughts around B2B tech marketing currently, and get the opinion…

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August 17, 2020

FINITE Discussion: Content marketing for B2B tech marketers

FINITE feature image for next online discussion on content marketing for b2b tech marketers

Content marketing is a vital part of a successful B2B marketing strategy. So, join us on the 27th of August at 14.00 for a packed hour discussing strategies to identifying key objectives and purpose of content for your B2B company, look at how to use content to build your B2B brand, weigh the impact of…

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July 30, 2020

Here’s what happened: Sales & marketing alignment for B2B tech marketers

svcreenshot of the panellists at the finite webinar on sales & marketing alignment for b2b tech marketers

On the 28th of July we hosted #4 of our webinar & discussion series. This time, focused on a topic that has come up in most previous webinars & is often the key talking point during the small, roundtable FINITE member discussions: Sales & marketing alignment. So we figured to give the topic the attention…

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July 20, 2020

FINITE Discussion: Sales & marketing alignment for B2B tech marketers

finite july sales & marketing alignment for b2b tech marketers

It’s time for instalment #4 of the FINITE webinar & discussion series: For this episode, we have x2 senior marketing leaders & x2 senior sales leaders talking all things marketing & sales alignment – we’re expecting a little friendly debate on the day! 28th of July at 11.00 BST – save the date! On the…

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July 2, 2020

Here’s what happened: Demand Generation for B2B tech marketers

FINITE webinar screenshot of speakers

Again huge thanks to all our speakers who joined on Tuesday and shared their expertise! We kicked off the webinar with a first case study by Tom Whiley, Head of Demand Generation, at e-days Absence Management giving us an insight into how to build a demand generation function from scratch having previously done so himself…

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June 11, 2020

Webinar: Demand generation for B2B tech marketers

finite demand generation webinar image

As always, we’re excited to announce our next webinar! Demand generation for B2B tech marketers. The webinar will take place at 11.00am BST on the 30th of June 2020 Demand generation is a key part of driving growth for B2B technology companies. In this webinar we will begin with two case studies, the first focused…

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June 1, 2020

Podcast: Build a springboard for lasting growth with Rachel Truair, Director of Global Enterprise Campaigns at Adobe

rachel truair image for podcast

In this FINITE podcast our host Alex sat down with Rachel Truair, Director of Global Enterprise Campaigns at Adobe to discuss the strategies behind building a springboard for lasting growth. The conversation focused on how during a challenging time, such the coronavirus pandemic, marketers can look at the current landscape, think about how they communicate…

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May 29, 2020

Here’s what happened: Marketing automation for B2B tech marketers

FINITE b2b marketing automation

As the lockdown continues, so does our webinar series! This time, we had a fantastic line-up of marketing automation specialists from B2B tech companies join us for an in depth hour discussion. As 18.00 approached, our speakers tuned into the panel and dived straight into the discussion around marketing automation. On the panel we had…

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May 11, 2020

Webinar: Marketing automation for B2B tech marketers

After our first successfully webinar launch on the 31st of March, were super excited to announce that our second edition is coming to you next week! The key focus this time? Marketing automation! Register here and tune in at 18.00 BST on the 19th of May 2020 for a panel discussion focused on marketing automation…

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May 4, 2020

Podcast: Scaling a word of mouth engine with Oli Bridge, Head of Marketing & Growth at Bonjoro

Oli bridge for FINITE podcast

Oli Bridge is the Head of Marketing & Growth at Bonjoro, a platform that allows businesses to boost customer engagement with perfectly timed personal videos. FINITE podcast host Alex Price sat down with Oli to explore his role as Head of Marketing and Growth at Bonjoro. The discussion focused on Oli’s innovative approach to growth, away from the ‘traditional’…

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